Ethical Support Services
At Ethical Support Services we pride ourselves in ensuring that you get the best use of your NDIS funding and work with you so that you remain in control of your services and your life.
We are family-focused and will work with you, your family and friends to provide support that is relevant and suited to you. We have a focus on building community life and are committed to building positive, lasting relationships.
We believe each person has the power to live beyond their disability to achieve empowerment, independence, and self-determination.
Let us help you to connect with the right supports to live “your good life!”
Our Services
The services we provide include…
Support Coordination
Community Access and Inclusion
In Home Support
Assistance in attending Medical & Other Appointments
Social Support
Case Management
Meal Preparation
Building & Maintaining Relationships
If you require support that is not listed above please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss how we can meet your needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I apply for the NDIS?
To join the NDIS you need to meet the NDIS Access Requirements. You can find more information about these requirements and download the NDIS Access Request From on the NDIS website here…
How do I know if I am eligible?
There is a comprehensive eligibilty checklist available on the NDIS website with information about the different eligibilty requirements. You can access the checklist here…
How do I find out more information about the NDIS?
There are a range of booklets and factsheets that provide information about the NDIS on their website. You can download them from this page…
What happens if I need to cancel a service?
To cancel one of our services we require 48 hours notice.
How do I provide feedback or make a complaint?
We have a complaints and feedback form that can be downloaded here. Please complete the form and forward it to us via email:
You can also submit an anonymous Complaints and Feedback form by sending it in the stamped self-addressed envelope that you receive at intake.

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Contact us
Unit 8
166 Main South Road
Morphett Vale 5162
Contact us
Unit 4, 198 – 200
Main South Road
Morphett Vale 5162